What It Was Like to Hook Up With Bisexual Woman
Here are some women share what it was like to hook up with bisexual woman for the first time.
Experimenting with someone of the same sex is (thankfully) less taboo than it’s ever been. And according to a new survey from the sex toy company Adam and Eve, 30 percent of women have done just that. (And 19 percent of men surveyed said they’ve experimented with other men.)
While this survey didn’t ask respondents whether they identify as LGBT, a National Health Statistics report from earlier this year that found 17.4 percent of women ages 18 through 44 had experienced sexual contact with other women even though just 6.8 percent identified as lesbian or bisexual.
In light of these findings, we asked readers of all different sexual orientations about their first same-sex encounters. Here are a few of their stories:
“I was studying abroad in South Africa when my roommate revealed that she was a lesbian. Having been struggling with my own sexuality, I boldly told her that I thought we would end up making out. One night, we were hanging together on her bed listening to ‘Something Beautiful’ by Needtobreathe when I kissed her. It instantly clicked at that moment why things had never worked out with guys. This makeout session led to four months of sneaking off to have sex in corners of our apartment where our other roommates wouldn’t see and hooking up in public restrooms, etc. Nothing ever came of us besides a friendship, but I’ve never turned back.” —Tayla, 23
“I’d never really thought of myself as anything other than straight until a friend of mine said she liked me and it was too bad I didn’t like girls. I laughed it off, but something in my head went, ‘It is too bad I’m straight!’ Later that evening, I took a chance and kissed her while we were watching a movie. Then one thing led to another, which led to our dating for a year and a half. I had always assumed I had to be straight because I like men. Now, I happily identify as bisexual, and a lot of feelings and a few dreams from high school make a lot more sense.” —Cathy, 35
“This girl and I had been hanging out for a while. I knew she was gay, and I wasn’t sure about my own identity. We were having a sleepover one day—as we did most weekends—and she kissed me. We made out, and then we started having sex on a regular basis as friends with benefits. Since her, I’ve only been with women.” —Lauren, 23 Continue reading here.
No Such Thing As Straight Women?

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