My First Lesbian Experience
Guys! I’ve found an interesting article about lesbian experience. Check it out!
Sharing Our Own Firsts
“I was fourteen and just got dumped by an ex of mine (were are still good friends) but during that relationship a mutual friend of ours kissed me, we were holding hands and she randomly spun me back to face her and planted a soft kiss on my lips that I will never forget. Anyway back to the topic, after I was dumped I met this gorgeous young girl a year older them me with the most striking green eyes I still to this day have ever seen. We quickly became friends and I fell hopelessly in love with her, after about to weeks of going on dates and hanging out I found the courage to ask her to be my girlfriend. We were at my house alone and once I asked her she jumped in my arms and kissed me softly at first then it heated up and my lust for her gave in, so one thing lead to another and I gave her all of me. I will never regret it, even though a few months later I found her twice in MY own bed with my guy best friend on different occasions. Oh well!”
– Jayde
“My first experience with a woman was all tingly and nice but i have had a lot of bad experiences with women since coming out that i almost had to get an injunction on one to stop her contacting me. she was nice to my face but when she was drunk she became abusive, the second one stalked me after i told her she could come round whenever she wanted but in her mind it was up to six x per day knocking on my door which freaked me out and the last one cheated on me. I can’t believe some women can be so nasty and hurtful. i have met the odd nice lesbian who have become friends but because i am girly and their not it’s obvious their attracted to me even though the feeling is not mutual.”
– Charlotte
“I’m in my first lesbian relationship. I’m 39 and divorced 3 times. We meet at work and I later moved into a different department. We no longer work together but for the same company. Long story short we have been together 2 years in March 2013. We have resided together for the most part but I moved out in August. This has been the most difficult relationship I have ever been in. IDK if I should scratch my head or my butt. At first it was great but now its a job. IDK if this is right for me. Love her to pieces but dont know how she really feels. It was always so easy to read men but women are totally different. LOST needing advice sinking…. Dont want to lose her.”
– Cookie 73
“Okay, so my first experience was when i was 13. i had just started to realise that i was a lesbian and i had started openly flirting with my friend who was bi. one weekend on the summer holidays she came over to my place cause i was home alone that weekend and her parents were always working, we swam in the pool and we were messing around and we kept undoing each others bikinis as fun and when we came back inside i went to go get changed in my room and she came in as i was getting undressed and she walked over to me and kissed me, it was my first kiss and we were both in the mood by then and one thing led to another and that was my first lesbian experience, it was absolutely amazing and i will never forget it. we are in year 10 now and we are still together.”
– Tyler
“My first experience with a woman.. I can’t even describe it in words. I was in love with her for so long before we actually got together, and damn she was so amazing. She was so loving, so gentile, she knew exactly what to do to make me feel good, both sexually and emotionally. She was the love of my life. 8 long, amazing months, and then it was over. She is, to this day, the only girl Ive been with, and we recently broke up. Its been breaking my heart over and over again, and I still havent been able to get over it. I guess its true what they say, you never get over your first.”
– Hayley
“I met my ex at our job then one in the same… I was a flirt with all the lady’s I have no shame in my game anyways, she bit my finger and then I was hooked strong willed and feisty, very sexy , I started to give her rides home then I asked her to hold her hand..I was so nervous, she smiled and said it was ok i cried and she kissed me and said it was okay….We stayed together for 11 years…..”
– Maria
“I had my first lesbian experience with my friend. She liked me for about a year or so and then I finally gave in and asked her out on a date. Her and I were friends with the same group of friends and they teased us all the time. I ended up giving her all of me, since we were friends for a while and now girlfriends, I loved her very much and then she moved schools. It was very hard for us to hang out and date but I was determined to make it work. Ever since, she’s been the one I hold deeply in my heart.”
– Missy
“My first experience was wen I was 15 I liked this girl but she had a bf we played truth or dare nd I was dared to kiss her.I always found her attractive but nvr knew day we started dating I went over her house nd we made out.I enjoyed nd her 🙂 of course we didn’t last long nd I had my eye on sumone else.I didn’t think before kissing her nd she got upset wit me.we didn’t talk for 4years.after that I knew I liked being wit girls..I loves everything bout them.:) then wen I hit 18 I met up wit my crush that stopped talking to me nd 1year nd 8months later were still together.”
– Veronica
“First experience with a woman… I was young. She was a little older. I was in high school about 10th grade, i never dated a woman for longer than two weeks, i just couldn’t keep interest in them. I was physically attracted to them but never thought about having sex with them. I guess you can say i was flirty. One day my best friend and i were at the mall … like we were every weekend. we ran into a girl who went to our school. she was with 2 other people. but there was a short asian woman right beside her who kept looking at her phone, she didnt say much to me at all. i honestly thought she was stuck up for that… well when i got home.. a day later she commented on my myspace. She said “sorry for not talking to you, i had to keep myself distracted so i wasn’t gawking your way”. From then i hung out with her. She took me to a hollywood undead show, that night i made out with her for two straight hours. about 2 weeks later i asked her to be my girlfriend. That day I skipped school, i went over to her house and she started making out with me, slid her hand down my pants.. the next day at school i couldnt help but look at every girl and wonder what they sounded like in bed. . she was the first girl i ever stayed with for longer than two weeks. we lasted about 8 months. and since i never looked back at guys. I guess the sex was THAT good.” Continue reading here.
7 New Lesbian Sex Positions

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