Sexual Fantasies, Sex & Relationships
A threesome is one of my sexual fantasex but women have their own sexual fantasies. Some of women’s sexual fantasies are shared in this cool video!
I would like to share this fantastic article that I found online about Sexual Fantasies and Dirty Fantasies in Bed. Sexual Fantasies, Sex & Relationships… Awesome!!
Can bedroom fantasies and sexual fantasies go bad?
Firstly, even before we talk about when it can go bad, we have to realise that anything in moderation is great and can be a huge turn on.
But too much of any good thing usually leads to bad results, this is why partners that try and replicate behavior they see on sites like videos hd all too frequently, often find themselves single shortly after.
So bedroom fantasies and sexual fantasies in bed are definitely not bad. It’s actually a nice way to explore your inner sexual desires and the desires of your partner’s. But at the same time, it is a risky business.
Playing safe with bedroom fantasies
If your wife’s hot single friend turns you on, or your husband’s eligible bachelor pal makes you weak in your knees, you better be careful about talking about that same person while having sex all the time.
It can rouse unnecessary suspicions and make things uncomfortable. But that’s not really the bad part of bedroom fantasies. Here’s the really bad part.
Bedroom fantasies and love
At times, overindulgence in fantasies can actually distance you from your partner. You may have sex a lot more, what with both of you mentally having sex with a different person each time you have sex. But every now and then, you should involve yourselves too, to have a great time in bed by just talking about each other more often.
Speaking about sexual fantasies
Talking about someone in bed isn’t the bad part of this. Not talking about it after sex is the really bad part. Why would someone not talk about it after sex, unless they’re feeling guilty or awkward? Ad if you feel guilty about it, it means you lust about that person even when you’re not having sex. Talk about the other people you involve in bed freely and openly with your partner, so they never have to feel insecure about the relationship.
Bedroom fantasies and the silver lining
When we come to think of it, we know that most partners fantasize in bed about someone else while having sex with their own partner, if not all. It is said that 80% of men and 65% of women fantasize in bed. Most don’t tell their partner about their racy thoughts, afraid that they might strain the relationship.
But hiding sexual fantasies does affect your relationship. You definitely don’t want to catch your partner with a dazed look in bed, and lost in their own world, while you make love to them.
Fantasizing about your partner having sex with someone else
If you fantasize about your partner having sex with another person, it just shows that you actually find your partner physically appealing and it turns you on to see him/her passionately having sex, from afar. Or if you fantasize about some voyeuristic exposé with your partner, hey, it’s your own way to heighten the pleasure of sex. It means you would get turned on even if you saw your partner across the street. Now isn’t that complimenting?
The last word on sexual fantasies
Fantasies and imaginations have always been at the back of our minds. Be it a chivalrous deed when you want to impress your crush, or the thought of being Wonder Woman. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise to you when you discover this new side of your partner when you’re in bed.
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