Famous Lesbians
Famous Lesbians (some of them) – Melissa Etheridge, Leisha Hailey, Jodie Foster, Jenny Shimizu, Heather Amy Matarazzo, Ellen DeGeneres, Francesca Gregorini, Catie Curtis, Carolyn Murphy, Amélie Mauresmo, Alexandra Hedison, Melissa Ferrick, Portia de Rossi, Rosie ODonnell, Sheryl Swoopes, Suzanne Westenhoefer, Tammy Lynn Michaels

I am a guy and state that all the women in this video have grace, brains, and style. By the way where did you get the soundtrack?
I love Rosie!!
who is that girl at 1 03
where is a picture of Wanda Sykes?
i really hope that these woman can find themselves. a good man in There life. I’ll Just leave it at That.
Other women get to enjoy them. How is it a waste?
what a waste of beautiful woman..minus Rosie and Ellen
Don’t forget Sarah McCoughlin!
i no longer trust women with short hair lol
@kimwhoredashian I thank you for that. At last a voice of reason. Too bad there aren’t more real women in this world. Sometimes it seems the whole of the famale world have turned into dykes. Yucky! Love your page by the way. (kiss kiss kiss)
@kimwhoredashian lol blatantly a lesbian in denial
all beautiful except that fucking FAT FUCK rosie
Is Jenny Shimizu the one Angeline used to date?
i didn’t know jodie foster was a lesbian.
Amber Heard?
<<raises hand for a date with Leisha! 🙂
Who is 0:20 ??? Thanks…
what about Martina Navratilova- best woman tennis player ever and Cyndi Lauper great singer… this list sux, those girls here arent famous only good looking
leisha hailey is so fucking hot. i want her, in my bed. right now.
0:29 Owen Wilson is a lesbian ?
do you mean do lesbians have gay male icons or just male icons?