Famous African-American Gays/Bisexuals
Another series of out and proud African-American LGBT individuals who paved the way for so many of gays/bisexuals today.
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Johnny Mathis was not gay….
Ohhh Sorry To hear that Thank You R I P Eugene Anthony Ray
This music is gay!
I hope this person did some deep research so that the information is accurate about these people
You forgot Oprah. Yes..she is and one day she will come dancing out of the closet with Gayle.
For every ugly fat american girl, there’s always a faggot to replace them.
There is no point in this video especially the end where it calls the person watching the video gay. That’s not right for you to do that when people are showing you support by even watching the video. Distasteful and disrespectful.
Battybwoyz get gunshot!!!
aww i dont want anything zowyla , I wasnt meaning anything bad just wanted to know the point of the vid is all friend.
Johnny Mathis was East Indian and British not African or American. Dysfunctional nigger faggots with no daddy.
Yes he is.He came out about 30 years ago.
lots of homos lol
He does not advertise, but …
Nicely produced!
johnny matthis is not gay is he?
If you’re gonna make claims have the info to back it up…….give proof that these people admitted to their sexual orientation……
this is stupid and just opinon nonof these people have admitted
are YOU gay?
nice music playing… so you have proof that all these people are gay .. or is that just your opinion … these folks are very famous and I have never heard them say they were gay publicly
you are out of line talking about where’s Micheal Jackson…. Just because you want to call somebody gay don’t mean that they are
Can anyone answer to the question about the track being played with this presentation. Love the music. I would love to own it.
Can anyone answer to the question about the track being played with this presentation. Love the music. I would love to own it.
this video are using people for the early 1900s who gave no personal information about there sexuality, so in conclusion this video is like is inaccurate and false in some sense. in other words they are looking gay companion !