Dos Chicas Besandose Hot
This is one hot kissing scene of two girls making out (dos chicas besandose)!
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Nell Sanderson opened the door and walked into her boyfriend’s house. Before she had even gotten through the threshold, the 18-year-old redhead could smell the sweet scent of Mrs. González’ authentic Mexican-style cooking. She always loved the foods that her boyfriend’s mother worked so hard throughout the day to prepare.
“Hello Mrs. González,” she said as she walked into the kitchen, “Is Miguel home?”
Nell didn’t live with the González’s, but she’d been dating Miguel since they were 16, and felt more comfortable at their house than she did her own. They gave her a spare house key, fed her, and even let her sleep over a couple of times. It was like they were already family.
“No,” Mrs. González replied, “I’m sorry. I just sent him out to the grocery store to get some things. If I’d known you were coming, I would have waited.”
“Oh,” Nell replied, “It’s fine, don’t worry about it.”
Mrs. González looked over at the clock on the wall.
“He should be back soon,” she said, “Why don’t you pull up a seat by the counter and we can catch up while you wait for him to get back.”
“All right,” Nell replied.
It wasn’t like she had anything else to do.
For the continuation of the story it is provided in the source. Thanks for reading!
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mm muy feo es esto