Death threats against Laci Green… Why only in America? Only place in the modern world anyone would issue death threats due to sex education. Why only in America? Only place in the modern world anyone would issue death threats due to sex education.
Oh hey, it’s that CRAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZY TFLer TheMadShangi!
What I can’t get past is that she’s a twelve-year-old.
that people take it seriously
What exactly about them makes them so funny? Care to explain?
Sorry to hear that you attention span cannot get past her breasts. Oh well. She has nice breasts and very informative videos as well 🙂
Land of the free …
please approve my video response thank you
Here’s the threat Laci Green got: tinyurl(dot)com/cv8mlpa . It was from some idiot who was calling her "transphobic" and "against Islam". Clearly some confused but militant "multiculturalist" fucktard who thinks any criticism or even misspeaking toward a less-privileged group is the equivalent of genocide.
And, yeah, LG has gotten trans issues wrong before in a way that’s beneath her as a sex educator, but nothing meriting even a tiny fraction of the hate this scumbag came at her with.
oh and you had a few Freduians slips there mate 😉
Then, you must sure hate yourself a whole lot. I pity you. Seek help.
Then, you must sure hate yourself a whole lot. I pity you. Seek help.
The USA. Most civilized country in the world. Yeah right.
These people that do this kind of stuff have some serious damage going on in their brain. So much anger and hatred. Committing acts of evil in the name of a so called loving and forgiving god. The retards think this is how they will make us stop? It is for these very reasons why we never will. The stupids. 9_9
I do hate horrible people like you. Bigots, by definition, are horrible people.
You’ll get no argument from me on that point 🙂 and he’s better at it.
Uh… Tf00t has NEVER stated that ALL muslims are terrorists.
Laci should relocate to the tribal regions near the Afghan border where she will be safe from those hooligans.
Since Laci’s threats mentioned Islam, I have a sneaking suspicion that if thunderf00t will say anything, he’ll probably blame DawahFilms for it and suggest that all Muslims are terrorists.
I’ve never been a fan of Laci Green but death threats are completely unacceptable.
Thing is, I wonder if these will be taken seriously or if it’ll just be considered "trolling" by certain people like the rape threats against Rebecca Watson were characterised lately by Thunderf00t.
Laci is a sweetheart, it takes a real dick head to threaten her
Yeah I know what you mean. When I got death threats no one paid attantion.