Things That Happen When You Date a Girl After Only Dating Guys
It doesn’t matter if you have a ton of experience with guys or very little, dating someone of the same sex is a change. It’s just a different thing, even if it is in the best way ever. And there are certain things that happen, and that you think when you start dating someone of the same sex for the first time.
1. You stress about labels. You might wonder if you should call yourself something like bisexual, queer, or heteroflexible. But really, it’s up to you and you don’t have to decide right away — or ever. It’s also totally cool to not want to be labeled.
2. You wonder if flirting with a girl is the same as with a guy. You’ve had years of experience with cute boys, but when a cute girl comes into your life, you become this awkward human who forgets how to flirt with someone. And then you notice it’s basically the same. (You’re always a little awkward.)
3. You realize you don’t miss beard burn from kissing. Bye, stubbly skin!
4. You think way too much about how to tell people. You don’t want everyone assuming you’re just friends, but you also don’t want to blurt out SHE’S MY GIRLFRIEND like a crazy person to everyone you meet.
How To Experiment With Another Girl
Some people get anxious about what their bi-curiosity “means.” They worry about being judged or labeled by others, and may even be judging themselves. The questions I hear most frequently from women are, “Does this make me bi?” and “Am I supposed to come out of the closet now?”
Let me make this absolutely clear: You get to choose how you identify yourself, and with whom you want to share this information. If you try kissing a girl, it doesn’t automatically make you gay or bi. If you liked kissing that girl, it doesn’t make you gay or bi. A little experimentation doesn’t define you, and nobody needs to know that you’re dipping your toes into girl-on-girl action — unless you want them to know. You’re in charge here.
How To Decide If You’re Ready
Start by exploring the idea of hooking up with another woman using your imagination. This may sound like an overly simplistic piece of advice, but it can be quite useful. Continue reading here.
Top 10 Famous Lesbian And Bisexual Women

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