Cougar Lesbians – Cougar Lesbians: Coming Soon Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Coming soon to the Network! Brought to you by the people that brought you The L Word, Glee and Bad Girls. Starring The Second City Alumni Megan Grano, Molly Erdman & Celeste Pechous The Second City New Media Director: Joshua Funk ——– Producer: Mark Kienlen ——— Crew: Mike Damanskis ©2010 The Second City Inc.Megan Grano, Molly Erdman & Celeste Pechous The Second City Network is quickly becoming one of the hottest channels on YouTube. Our work has been featured on Tosh.0 on Comedy Central, G4s Attack of the Show, Inside Edition, NPR, MSNBC, CNN and more! Many of todays biggest names got their start at The Second City main stages -including Tina Fey of 30 Rock, Stephen Colbert of the Colbert Report, and Steve Carell of The Office. Do you want to be a better comedy writer, actor, and improviser? Then sign up to take a class at one of our training centers! Chicago: Hollywood: Toronto: Study comedy for college credit at Second City: Watch videos created by our current students: If you like this, check out our hit series, Sassy Gay Friend!

omg – ginger gay breeders are at the meeting – run, ginger lesbian, run!!
Great web series! Love it.
What a self serving comment. Why didn’t you make her a black lesbian?
im gonna watch that
this wasnt funny….just offensive.
That flower picture looks like a vagina.
that flower picture was in no way a subliminal message
my best friend is a lesbian (im straight) and she’s awesome. <3
I can appreciate your view, but please remember the world is not a safe place for those who may be different. If you had seen what I have seen, your friends bruised, bloody, crying because of stupid and ignorant people you, might realize that the world is not as accepting as you may believe. Please, I beg of you, be careful for yourself and your loved ones. God bless all out there on YT !
Interesting perspective. I guess I find it only a little bit offensive because I live in a supportive environment where most of my friends and family members know I’m a lesbian and are okay with it. I imagine that if I had faced as many hardships as your friends did, I would be more offended than I am.
Speaking as someone who is a child of the sixties whose lesbian friends were dishonored, beaten at times and spoken of as beasts, this is so totally offensive that I am at a loss as to how to respond. I want all of you younger ladies and gentlemen of any sexual orientation to know that it would only be a heartbeat before things could go back to the dark ages. Pray for everyone, respect everyone as Jesus did, and make this world a safe place for everyone. It is not too late.
I love this show!!!
yes! visible lesbians!
I have to agree. The whole point of this series seems to be "OMG lesbians! They’re old lesbians! Hahahahaha!" which isn’t very funny on its own. :/ I understand that others enjoy this series, but I personally find it bland and a bit offensive, which is dissapointing considering how much I love this channel’s other material.
Oh, well. I guess I’ll just stick with the other material and skip this series.
I was born in 1990 do I count? ^_^
I love lesbians!
wow… totally tried to vote this up and I accidentally hit the down button. now I can’t undo it. goddammit!
type win in the middle of youtube so it looks like "youwintube" oh and dot com 2
the flower at the end was funny XD
Yeah, kate moening is gay. Sandra Bernhardt outed her
It implies and older woman who hunts for a younger men, or in this case other young girls. Usually a teenager, which would be after 1990. It just seemed in your post below that you were surprised that they would be born after 1990, but that’s the point. Haha