Confuse Me Some More!
I’m really excited to share this bisexual story that I found. Continue reading, hope you’ll love it!
She smiled at me and before I knew it…
It was Tuesday, another boring day ahead of me, and then it happened. I had collected the post and was heading back to the office when I saw her walking across the courtyard. Why did I keep doing that? I had an amazing ability to be able to pick her out from a great distance. I had seen her around the site for about the last month but was completely confused as to where she worked. She smiled at me and before I knew it we were engaged in conversation.
I managed to establish that she worked in the information team and had moved to the site into one of the recently renovated office areas. Throughout the conversation I was acutely aware that she was holding eye contact for a longer time than anyone else I knew, and I seemed to be smiling more than usual, which was not particularly difficult as I rarely smiled these days. I left by offering assistance in any way I could and returned to the office with a spring in my step pleased that I had finally got up the courage to have a conversation with her. It was a bit of an out of body experience as I have never known myself strike up a conversation with anyone before, but then again no one had captured my attention in that way either.
About a week later we were on a training course together and got talking in more detail about our work. She needed to book onto some other training courses so she came up to the office as I had kindly offered to make sure she was booked onto everything she needed. She sat close to me, not completely invading my personal space but a friendly relaxed distance as if we had known each other for years. A few days later an email came through.
“Hi Kate, Sorry to trouble you but do you know anything about inputting appraisals onto ESR? I remembered you saying something about it the other day. Kind regards Jennie”
I replied “Hi Jennie, Yes sure, shall I pop down? Regards Kate”
Less than 5 mins later I entered the office she worked in. It was fairly large seating around ten staff of which only a few were in, she sat at the far end to the right of the office with her back to the wall and a small gap just wide enough to wheel a chair into behind her desk. Her manager sat diagonally opposite on the left of the office with a walk way down the middle. As I walked through the office I was met with a wall of heat and a huge smile. I needed to work on her computer to sort a query so she offered me her seat and perched on the desk. As I sat down it felt a bit weird taking over someone’s work station like that but she didn’t seem to mind. She sat quite close, I guess to see what I was doing but it meant the urge to touch her leg that overhung the desk was overwhelming. I only just managed to resist a passing touch. What is wrong with me, thinking like this?
We continued to chat while I ran reports which annoying came through in record time while I tried to keep my mind concentrating on what she was saying. As she was sat there curling her long brown hair around her slim fingers looking so pretty, her slim lips inviting me in for a kiss all made it increasingly difficult for me to know what I was saying. I experienced the point at which my mouth was saying stuff but my brain was somewhere else entirely. I don’t remember anything I said.
I managed to think of another delay tactic and asked if we could see what her manager could see to understand the process better. We moved over to behind his desk and as we stood waiting for him to load up the system she suddenly announced “I’m so hot”. She was clearly referring to the heating but I couldn’t pass up an opportunity like this so leant over and whispered “Yes you are”. She turned to look at me, raised her eyebrows in surprise shock, smiled and then turned her attention back to the computer. I’m sure I noticed her turn a shade of pink.
We got to know each other increasingly well
Over the next few months it seemed like she kept finding excuses to meet. She kept emailing or calling me with system queries. They were all genuine but she was an intelligent young woman working in an IT setting so could have easily worked most of it out for herself. No one else was asking for or getting this much support, but equally I enjoyed spending time with her. If it had gone quiet for a week I also tried my own tactic of asking to gather some information to support a system query as there were a few things she mentioned I didn’t know the answers to so I figured it was in her best interests.
We got to know each other increasingly well, and it amazed me how relaxed we were in each others’ company. She had a way about her and of asking questions that made me feel comfortable sharing some of my most inner most thoughts. I started to miss her when we had not seen each other for more than a few days, and had noticed that when we were together, for me nothing and no one else existed.
We hadn’t seen each other for a few days so I went down to see how she was. I had been brave and dressed differently to my usual sensible and boring style and instead wore boots, leggings and a strappy top with a 3/4 length cardigan. As soon as I walked in she commented on how nice I looked. While chatting about the weekend she paused mid sentence, turned to Carol and said “Doesn’t she look really pretty in that? I really like it”.
The conversation had reached a natural conclusion so I turned to return to my office and as I did, I noticed her look me up and down as if checking me out. It felt good. She had helped me improve my self confidence and try clothes I wouldn’t normally wear so I figured it was only right she got to benefit from her work.
We met up for a walk at lunch. I chose the route and stopped at a secluded bench for us to sit at. I nervously looked at the floor… “There is something I have been meaning to ask “, I paused and took a breath, “You said the other day that you are a natural flirt” I made eye contact and completed my question “Have you consciously been flirty with me at any point?” “What makes you ask that?” “Well, you maintain eye contact longer than anyone I know, but that might just be your way” I hastily added, “and wrapping your hair around your finger I’m sure is a sign of flirting. There just also seems to be some chemistry that I cannot quite explain.” She looked away at this point, thoughtfully pondering what I had just said. I struggled to not say anything but realised that I needed to leave the silence and wait for her to speak.
“Ok” she started, “I don’t think this is something we should be discussing here. Shall I come around yours later, say about 7 ?” “Sounds good to me. Are we ok? I haven’t spoilt our friendship saying anything have I ?” She reached over and took my hand “Not spoilt, but possibly changed” she said with a glint in her eye. She squeezed my hand and got up. “We’d best get back” “Ok” I replied tentatively with a quizzical expression on my face wondering what I had done and if it was good or bad. We’ll find out later I told myself as we made our way back to the office.
Six fifty five. I was pacing, staring out of the window, fiddling with inconsequential stuff and generally nervously fretting. I need to calm down I told myself, but my mind was racing as it had done since our conversation at lunch. What have I done? Have I imagined things, filtering to see what I wanted to? Should I have kept quiet, everything was fine. No going back now though. What if she never wants anything to do with you again? You’ve probably messed it all up…
A knock at the door broke my ranting thoughts. Deep breath. It’s her. I checked my appearance in the mirror for what must have been the tenth time in the last five minutes alone and opened the door.
Her hand had started to move up my thigh making every part of me tingle
“Don’t look so worried” She said, smiling at me in the way that made my insides melt and instantly made me feel better. She looked so hot. She wore a dress which hugged her shapely figure beautifully and showed off her gorgeous legs. Her hair was down which she had straightened, she wore it in a ponytail at work earlier, and it was begging to be touched.
I pulled myself back together and offered tea, which she accepted and followed me in to the kitchen, where we made small talk whilst the kettle boiled. We took the tea through to the lounge. Sitting on the three seater sofa she sat next to me, which was a little odd for me as Tim usually sat at the other end with a spare seat between us.
We exchanged some idle chit chat talking about how the rest of the day had gone and then she stretched and rested a hand on my knee and turned to look directly at me. My heart was pounding and my head saying whatever happens just listen carefully to what she says, don’t jump to any conclusions. She was holding my gaze as I was looking at her expectantly.
“I have been thinking about what you asked at lunch time, and thought this would help answer it”. Our faces were mere inches apart. She lifted her hand and gently brushed my hair back behind my ear, and then moved in for a kiss. A tentative start, gentle contact to work out my reaction I guess, it was as if she was asking permission. I responded by making it clear I was up for it and it stepped up a gear.
Her hand had started to move up my thigh making every part of me tingle in anticipation. I navigated my hand from her neck, along her shoulder and down to her breast. A soft handful of pleasure. Aching for her and she for me, as we were both breathing heavily and groaning at each others’ touch, we quickly undressed. I kissed her breast and licked her nipple, whilst running a hand down her leg, moving back up the inside of her thigh. The heat from her pussy was intense as I moved up to her breast for another squeeze. She took my hand and guided it back down. I slid my fingers into her. I was burning for her to enter me. I teased her some more pulling out to work her clit whilst kissing her breast. She was so wet. I thrust myself into her again rhythmically which was met with cries of excitement as she returned the experience and soon I felt her melt with satisfaction.
I came so hard it was mind blowing. She looked pleased with her work and lay down next to me. I was speechless. My head kept saying “wow”.
The following morning I went to her office early, hoping to catch her before others got in. She was in the photocopy room that was set off from the main office and quite secluded. As she was so engrossed in what she was doing she didn’t hear me.
I rested my hands on her hips and whipped her round and stole a kiss, which quickly turned into a longer embrace when she realised who it was until we heard footsteps approaching. “This could be fun” I said “Fun and dangerous, you best not do that too often” She replied. “Spoil sport!”
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