Censored Lesbian Kiss Protest – The “Kiss Off”
A video of a “kiss off” by silent protest of lesbians. This interesting protest happened in Melbourne.

A video of a “kiss off” by silent protest of lesbians. This interesting protest happened in Melbourne.
I definitely see Liam over Heath. Take care.
@donniedarkodevotte Probably the best compliment I’ve ever received
You were great in The Grey and Taken!
@HDSoundZz No it isn’t. The camera is on the end of a monopod
It’s a fake background
@AdvocateBunny Happy belated birthday
uploaded on meh 15th bday :)
@AngryAussie haha Really? It certainly looks like it was.
@Djangolulu It isn’t
holy crap I didn’t even realize it was a green screen until I read the comments.
@darkwolfx333 The camera is on the end of a monopod that I am holding
@AngryAussie how exactly did you film this? If it is not green screen, then is it a harness for the camera? It is a good video, and I dont doubt you filmed it but I have to say it looks green screen because of the angle of your body, the off lighting, and the inconsistency of the camera with the setting. Either way thank for being a supporter and keep up the good work for equality in Australia.
@MrBruce1337 yeah he is so over hate mongers like you hating people different from them.
@Xenaisthebusiness Hard to tell if you’re making a joke or you’re actually that stupid
This guy isn’t even there, he’s playing a video behind himself.
@AngryAussie so true
Cute Lesbians kissing isn’t offensive! LOL
@AngryAussie HELL YEAH.
@AngryAussie people who censor gays are freaks…, in a bad way
@MrBruce1337 God is a pathetic fiction invented to scare children and weak minded fools who are scared of the dark.
and this is the reason the world is coming to an end, god is so over this.
@Masonthe5 No true I was totally straight and after watching this I was trawling bathhouses. Help me Jeebus
Yayy for the gays <3
@AngryAussie all i mean is that I dont understand the radical’s pointsof view that insist on prejudiced and nearly medieval censorship. not that the people(any involved.. LGBT or "radical") are freaks. Sorry
@AngryAussie Its not the people doing the censoring. I think they are doing their job as described to them. Still I dont get the whole prejudice against the LGBT community. I dont get the whole deal about it. Just to note.. im straight, but open-minded to other people’s points ofview.