Category: "Sexual Pleasure"

Less Felatio More Cunnilingus

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If you are a lesbian with a sexually satisfied partner, thank you for the visit, but you are free to go elsewhere. There’s probably not much you can gain from this article that you don’t already know. As one woman explains, “When two women bump junk, the chance of oral sex being involved is high.” […]

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Touching Another Woman’s Vagina For The First Time

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You’ve seen lesbians touch a penis for the first time, you’ve seen gay men touch breasts for the first time, and now — in yet another twist on the “X person touches Y genitals” theme — you can watch straight women touch another vagina for the first time. This video, and the others that involve […]

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Have You Ever Tried Pegging?

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The first time I asked a guy if he wanted to try out this particular fantasy, I’ll admit I was terrified. It seemed so niche, so weird, something that might make him run screaming out of bed at the possible affront to his masculinity. But I wanted it so much, so I took a deep […]

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27 Guys Reveal the Best Thing a Woman Has Ever Done in Bed

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“There’s nothing like a woman who is confident when she’s on top.” It’s pretty much assumed that all guys want in bed is boobs and blow jobs. Or do they want a Fifty Shades-style Red Room? Or anal sex? asked 27 guys to reveal the moves that really got them going. Some of the […]

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Lesbians Aren’t Defined by the Way They Have Sex

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If you don’t enjoy oral sex — whether giving or receiving — you’re not really a lesbian. “Anything short of eating pussy,” according to Block, “is simply being besties.” Really, girl? There’s only one way to have lesbian sex, and anything else is “besties”? Do you finger-bang your besties? Fist them? Have strap-on sex? You […]

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Shall I Trim My Pubic Hair?

Print Friendly, PDF & Email asked four twentysomething guys some questions about pubic hair maintenance. How old are you? Man A: Twenty-four. Man B: Twenty-four. Man C: Twenty-one. Man D: Twenty-four. Do you remember how the first woman you had sex with styled her pubic hair? Man A: Totally removed. But some men also have their pubic hair totally […]

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Very Erotic Bisexual Women Story

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Great! I’ve found an informative article about bisexual women that are very erotic. In the bedroom… Mal immediately draws Denise into her arms and begins kissing her. Mal’s gentle but demanding lips slide from Denise’s mouth to her cheek… then to her chin… her throat… her shoulder. Mal then kisses the back of Denise’s neck… […]

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Bisexual Women Story: I’ve Got Benefits with Her

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Cheers! I’ve found and informative article about friends with benefits. Check it out! “Sarah?” I called out in the darkness, it had become our ritual ever since that first night long ago. But it still sent shivers down my spin and made me wish for the night, where everything could come off including the mask. […]

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Sexy Lesbians Kissing

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Sexy Lesbians Kissing Video! Sexy indeed 😉 Have you ever try this? Do you have an experience like this Girls kissing Girls? or Have you seen Sexy Lesbians Kissing? You are always free to share this. Good Luck! If you have stories about Sexy Lesbians Kissing, please share and we will add it to our […]

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A Sexual Pleasure For Women

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This will pretty guide you to a women sexual pleasure. I’m sure you guys will love this. Enjoy! There are certain positions you can try that will enhance her sexual pleasures in an instant. Take a look at the following options: * Let her ride you- the woman on top position works for every woman, […]

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