Category: "Sexual Fantasies"

The Most Popular Porn Searches on the Internet

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The United States is sharply divided when it comes to politics, but there’s one thing that seems to bring us all together: porn. You’ll be hard pressed to find an internet-savvy person in the nation that hasn’t at least had a phase of regularly paying visits to a site like hdtubemovies xxx in their alone […]

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Have You Ever Tried Pegging?

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The first time I asked a guy if he wanted to try out this particular fantasy, I’ll admit I was terrified. It seemed so niche, so weird, something that might make him run screaming out of bed at the possible affront to his masculinity. But I wanted it so much, so I took a deep […]

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HBB (Hot Bisexual Babes) AKA Unicorns

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Here’s another great article about “New Threesome App 3nder”. Enjoy reading! As someone who is sexually curious, I’m no stranger to threesomes. When the chemistry is right and the stars align threesomes are one of the great joys of life. I love them. I’ve been the third in dozens of MFF (male/female/female) threesomes with couples […]

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The World’s Most Beautiful Vagina

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With so many cool vaginas (and in many of these cases, vulvas) dominating the news in 2015, it was hard to narrow it down to just 13, but narrow it down the internet did. Here are the best vaginas of 2015. 1. The “World’s Most Beautiful Vagina.” The demand for sex toys has been increasing […]

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Bisexual Woman’s Erotic Story – Travelling Hands

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I just read another great post from bisexual woman’s stories that is worth sharing… Enjoy reading! I drove hard and fast in my car all day to reach your doorstep. My heart pounded harder on my ribcage then my fist on the door. You answered with a slow opening of your door. Your face […]

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Women have their kinky bisexual fantasies, too!

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Fewer women than men have bisexual fantasies according to a study of young people that will soon be published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. There were 799 women among the 1,500 college students asked to rate their sexual fantasies. As far as bisexuals are concerned, women who identify as heterosexual have a lot of […]

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Sexual fantasies study: Women have their kinky bi thoughts, too

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Fewer women than men have bisexual fantasies according to a study of young people that will soon be published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. There were 799 women among the 1,500 college students asked to rate their sexual fantasies. As far as bisexuals are concerned, women who identify as heterosexual have a lot of […]

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Very Erotic Bisexual Women Story

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Great! I’ve found an informative article about bisexual women that are very erotic. In the bedroom… Mal immediately draws Denise into her arms and begins kissing her. Mal’s gentle but demanding lips slide from Denise’s mouth to her cheek… then to her chin… her throat… her shoulder. Mal then kisses the back of Denise’s neck… […]

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Bisexual Women Story: I’ve Got Benefits with Her

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Cheers! I’ve found and informative article about friends with benefits. Check it out! “Sarah?” I called out in the darkness, it had become our ritual ever since that first night long ago. But it still sent shivers down my spin and made me wish for the night, where everything could come off including the mask. […]

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Women are More Likely to be a Heterosexual

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Guys! I want to share something, I’ve found an article that believes women are more likely to heterosexual! Check this out 😉 Women may be more “hetero-flexible,” or be primarily attracted to men with some same sex attraction, because same-sex behavior allowed women to raise their children with other women, a new study has proposed. […]

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