Category: "About Bisexuality"

What’s the Difference Between Pansexuality and Bisexuality?

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Here’s what to know. Recently, Janelle Monae came out as pansexual, telling Rolling Stone that: “Being a queer black woman in America, someone who has been in relationships with both men and women – I consider myself to be a free-ass motherfucker.” Monae elaborated that she used to identify as bisexual, but “then later I […]

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What It’s Really Like to Be a Bisexual Woman

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THREESOMES AREN’T MANDATORY. In this week’s Sex Talk Realness, four anonymous women get real about what it’s really like to be a bisexual female in this day and age. How old are you? Woman A: Twenty-eight. Woman B: Twenty-one. Woman C: Twenty-two. Woman D: Nineteen. When did you start to identify as bi? Woman A: […]

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The 9 Best Things About Being Bisexual

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It’s not always easy being bisexual. Between stereotypes of oversexed, unfaithful bisexuals and social pressure to “pick a side,” not to mention the fact that bi people are more likely to be closeted and face higher rates of depression, drug and alcohol abuse, and intimate partner violence, coming out as bisexual can be enormously challenging. […]

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Why Are So Many Girls Lesbian or Bisexual?

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Why is it OK for girls to be bisexual or homosexual, but not boys? Over the past seven years, I’ve posed this question to hundreds of teenagers and young adults across the United States. The most common answer I get isn’t really an answer. “Girls kiss other girls at parties because guys like it,” one […]

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Myths About Bisexuals That Will Make You Laugh

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Discover the 9 Stupid Myths About Bisexuals That Will Make You Laugh 🙂 You’ve probably heard a lot of stereotypes/jokes about bisexuality, the bastard stepchild of sexual orientations. Most people can’t even agree on a definition of bisexuality, which has led to a lot of confusion, angst and reality shows starring Tila Tequila. Ironically, part […]

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Women are either bisexual or gay but ‘never straight’

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Most women are either bisexual or gay but “never straight”, a study suggests. Research has found that though lesbians are much more attracted to the female form, most women who say they are straight are in fact aroused by videos of both naked men and naked women. Meanwhile of the women who identified as straight, […]

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Women have their kinky bisexual fantasies, too!

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Fewer women than men have bisexual fantasies according to a study of young people that will soon be published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. There were 799 women among the 1,500 college students asked to rate their sexual fantasies. As far as bisexuals are concerned, women who identify as heterosexual have a lot of […]

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Women Become More Bisexual As They Age (Says Science)

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Are you a bisexual? Let’s find it out… 60 percent of women are attracted to other women. Are you one of them? Like most women, I have no shame in admitting that I find other females attractive. I have even admitted to being open to experimentation (“Of course I would sleep with Halle Berry! It’s […]

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How Often Do You Have Bisexual Thoughts?

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I Cannot Stop Thinking of Having Sex With Another Woman ! Do this bisexual thoughts come to you regularly? “No you are not nuts! I think that most of the women here can sympathize with your situation, I know I can. although my husband has not demanded to sleep with any potential partners, he does […]

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Big News to our Friend Lesbians Out There

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Whew! A must read for everyone – especially to our lesbian friends!! Imagine a global online community by lesbians and for lesbians. Imagine being able to meet and talk with other lesbians from all over the country—and all over the world. Imagine a hub to connect all the different elements of lesbian life in one […]

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