Boys and their favorite sexual positions.
Have you ever think of about what are the favorite sexual positions of boys? I’m happy to share this video so you could know the favorite sexual positions the boys in the video most favored about.
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I think he says that he totally makes himself sound better than he is or something along those lines 😉
woooooow kyle’s eyes r gorgeous! dont mind the hood at all!
Kyle’s HANDSOME Smile , He’s just So Perfect !! LOVE HIM -3
Wish I Can Meet Him :/ !!
Oooomg Kyle you amazing thing, you. Safe to say I have a new obsession…
"I don’t know! Its a weird question!" haha i love him <3
I love this. <3
I’m going for Kyle! lmfao
Hahahaa, Awkwardddd! Kyle, you cutiie ;}
hopefully…. i will accomodate to kyle!!!!! <333
frickin stunnin!!
"Whatever they want, I will accomodate" haha Kyle, good answer.
I love his hair, it looks so soft
When is this movie coming out?
Oh wow…. boys.
I like the fact that he usually wears hoodies and hats/tams.
I think they’re nice and comfy and look great on Kyle… and me!
Anyway, yeah, that’s how indie rockers do. lmao
does anyone know if the movie coming up or can uploaded so we can watch 🙂
Omg this is so rich! Everyone was turning soo red! Ahh! I love Kyle!
I love Kyles accent! You americans are such cuties O.<
Is this going to come to theatres?
Oh kyle is cute!
Oh kyle is cute!
they mean like in the movie.. like when they say ‘coming soon, to theatres near you’
LOL kyle does a little call me sign and then a wink at the endd (:
wait…kyle’s comming to our town??? is that for the film fest this is for????
if so what is the festival called??? can someone fill me in?!?!?!?!?!
lmfaooo xP
what film fest is this for?
GoodWork on the VLOG’s 😀 cant wait to see the film looks so good!