5 Imperative Tips for Bisexual Women Who Want to Date Lesbians
Here are five tips to help you better understand what goes on in a lesbian’s mind when you say you’re interested.
1. Women are softer than men but are harder to date
Get it? Dating women isn’t easy.
If you want easy, date men. Men are simple and only want three things: sex, food and sports. Women are complicated and want about 100 different things to all be present and working.
Women are moody and difficult to understand and date, so don’t expect it to be easy just because you’re a woman who wants to date women. It just isn’t.
2. Lesbians think bisexuals are like late to life lesbians
That means a lesbian is saying to herself, “Oh god, another woman who’s just curious and not serious!”
Women who come out later in life have to spend some time proving they are serious about being lesbian. Lesbians who’ve been out their whole life want to know a woman has had her cherry popped by a woman.
Nobody wants to be the first love of a late to life lesbian who is expecting too much, and no one wants to be a bisexual woman’s experiment.
3. Lesbians want certainty in their lives
Lesbians are probably more this way than others when it comes to putting their hearts on the line. Bisexual women bring a higher level of uncertainty than the average lesbian.
Lesbians think you could just as easily chose a guy (which makes you a lot like late-to-life lesbians), and therefore your intentions are subject to question.
Are you ready to do what it takes to create that feeling of certainty for the lesbian you want to date? That could include everything from swearing off men as friends in your life to becoming attached at the hip to prove your lesbian is the only person you want to be with. Continue reading here.
Are Women More Likely To Be Bisexual?

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