Bisexual Women, Truth or Fiction? Discover the Misconceptions
What is Bisexuality / Bisexual Women?
Bisexuality is romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior toward both males and females. The term is mainly used in the context of human attraction to denote romantic or sexual feelings toward both men and women. It may also be defined as encompassing romantic or sexual attraction to people of all gender identities or to a person irrespective of that person’s biological sex or gender, which is sometimes termed pansexuality.
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Sadly, misconceptions about bisexual women abound –and they’re circulated by both straight and LGBT communities. Though I’ve dated women exclusively (except that one time I ‘went out’ with a guy –a very gay guy– in eighth grade) for years, some of my best friends and exes self-identify as bisexual. They’re routinely asked when their ‘phase’ will end and how many sexual encounters they’ve had. Occasionally, an exceptionally rude person (usually an acquaintance) will tell them that they shouldn’t date, period, because they’re greedy and will hurt everyone around them. Crazy, right? Well, I’ve had enough of the misconceptions about bisexual women. Here are seven of the most common fallacies, along with why they’re so very wrong.
1. Bisexuals Can’t Be Monogamous
One of the most common misconceptions about bisexual women is that they ALL want to be with both sexes. One is never enough. But according to the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force [1], the majority of bisexuals in committed relationships are monogamous. Surprised? You shouldn’t be.
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2. Bisexuals Cheat
When dating a person (whether bisexual or not), you should communicate with each other to establish relationship rules and boundaries. If a bisexual-identified woman does cheat in a monogamous relationship, that demonstrates the type of person she is, and should not be taken as a reflection on the sexuality as a whole.
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3. Bisexuals Are Greedy
If ‘bisexual’ comes to mind when you think of someone who is greedy, you need to reassess your way of thinking. To label a person ‘greedy’ because of whom they’re attracted to is wrong, especially when so very many issues in this world could be solved if we all did and gave more (and that’s completely unrelated to sexual preference!).
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4. Bisexuals Just Want Attention
You know those two or three college-age girls at the club who make out with each other to titillate men? Chances are, they don’t identify as bisexual; if they do, they’re not indicative of the sexuality as a whole.
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5. Bisexuals Are Confused
In a 1995 survey conducted by author and researcher Paula Rust, one in four lesbians believed that bisexuality didn’t exist. We may have come a long way since then, but blatant biphobia continues to exist in both LGBT and heterosexual communities.
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6. Bisexuals Are Privileged
Monogamous bisexual women face increased risks of domestic violence. Meanwhile, bisexuals as a whole suffer higher rates of depression and anxiety than the general population and are more likely to feel suicidal than any other orientation. The San Francisco Human Rights Commission [3] partly attributes these harrowing statistics to a lack of support systems for bisexual people –even in urban areas.
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7. Bisexuals Want Threesomes
One of the most offensive things you can do to a bisexual woman –especially if she is in a relationship– is ask her to participate in a threesome. Never simply assume that a bisexual woman automatically wants to sleep with you and your boyfriend.
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And to top it all off, lesbians have also an opinion on bisexual women 😉

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