Bisexual Women Story – A Steaming Hot Encounter
A Steaming Hot Encounter is one of the best bisexual women stories…
Laurie was exhausted. Her body felt as if someone had given it a thorough beating with a meat tenderizer and she enjoyed every moment of it. She gave up a satisfied groan as she slipped the straps of the bathing suit over her shoulders. She had decided to take a workout class before her regular swim and it had taken its toll on her body.
She slipped her thumbs into the suit and pushed it downwards, letting her full chest out into freedom and then slid the reluctant swimsuit further down her slim stomach. Every movement caused strain in her tired muscles, but the ache felt good, as she knew that it came from hard work. The kind of hard work that has kept her body in the great shape that it is in.
After having slid the wet shape-hugging suit past her hips she bent forward to push it the rest of the way down her legs, leaving her completely naked. Stepping out of the suit she bent over and picked up the wet piece of clothing from the cold tile-floor. As she straightened up another groan escaped her lips. ‘I’m sounding like an old woman.’ she laughed at herself.
Leaving the suit on the shelf next to her towel she picked up the soap and stepped into the streaming shower.
The hot water battering against her skin felt great and she could feel the strain slowly seep from her muscles, leaving her feeling refreshed, but still exhausted. Rubbing the soap in her hands she worked up a good lather, while turning around in the spray from the showerhead.
The water cascaded over her shoulders and down her breasts, collecting into a small waterfall between her firm mounds, making her flat stomach slick from the water. She let her right hand run along the underside of her left arm onto her shoulder and back on the outside of her arm and down to her hand again. Before doing the same to her right arm; gently coating the strong smelling skin with the perfumed soap. Continuing with her shoulders and down her sides, she circled around her breasts, letting her sudsy fingers move over her smooth stomach, upwards.
She closed her eyes and let her breasts fall into her suds-covered hands. Her fingers massaged the soap into her chlorine smelling skin, and fresh blood into her tired muscles. She leaned her head back as her slippery fingers caught her nipples; hard from the cold water of the pool and gently squeezed them warm again. The clear water flowed through her hair and over her face, cascading down her front, rivuleting over her squeezing fingers.
The touch reminded her of when she last had someone else do that for her. It was over a year since she had broken up with Ted and his magical hands, the hands that he hadn’t had the decency to keep away from other women. The fact that he had cheated on her didn’t change the way she remembered his hands on her naked body though.
The thought generated a surprising tingle in her belly and her hand quickly slid over her slick stomach to cup her crotch as a flash of heat traveled from her gut down to her shaved sex. She wanted so badly to quench the spark that threatened to enflame her whole being, but she knew that this wasn’t the place. So she gave it one last squeeze before moving on to her long slender legs.
She picked up the soap again and started to rub it against her aching muscles, slowly working the pain away and making her tanned skin slippery from the soap. The hot water battered against her upturned ass making it impossible to forget about the slow trickling fire that had come alive in her belly. She knew that if she gave it just the tiniest bit of encouragement it would ignite into a roaring bonfire of lust, impossible to neither ignore nor quench without giving herself a real climax.
She quickly finished off her back, eager to leave the public sports center and was about to step out of the shower when she remembered that she had avoided certain parts earlier. She considered leaving them and take a nice hot bath when she got home, but since there was no one else but her there she figured, ‘What the heck,’ and worked up a good lather in her hands again.
Turning her face into the stinging spray of water she reached behind her and placed her hand on top of her firm buttocks, slowly letting her fingers slide downwards, before pulling them back up, squeezing her cheeks in her fingers, her pinkies following the sensitive cleft to guide her. Opening her mouth she let the lukewarm water fill her mouth and then flood over her lips and down her neck, taking a few gulps to rid herself of the foul-tasting pool-water.
Carefully, sensitively washing one cheek at the time, while her other hand gently caressed her hanging breasts, enjoying the weight of them in her hand and the stiff nipple against her palm. Bending forward, back arched, the water flowed freely down her curved back.
While her right hand quickly found itself on her flat stomach, just where it meets her hairless pubis, her left pushed its way in between her ass-cheeks. She made room for her fingers to follow the streaming water along the bottom of the secluded canyon, finding the sensitive button with her fingertips and covering it with the slippery soap.
Her right hand slowly inched downwards, the fingers sliding past her sensitive nub even though it was practically begging to be touched and instead let her slender fingers rub along her excited lips, sending a spark into her sex, lighting the fire that was already aglow in her belly.
Her fingers quickly started to create magic as they gently caressed her bare mound. Lather-covered fingertips sliding along the folds of her sensitive sex. She was soon overwhelmed by the sensation created by herself and she let a finger slip in between her wanton lips, penetrating her womanhood and piercing through the last of her resistance.
Leaning her forehead against the fiberglass of the shower stall her finger started working back and forth into her warm, tight fitting opening, radiating heat waves through her body. Her free hand clawed against the flat surface above her head, searching for a hold, trying desperately to grip on to reality before she lost herself completely in the pleasures of her body.
She was suddenly jerked back to the sterile shower room of the public sports center, by a girlish giggle. Her head snapped up towards the open space of the room, but she was still alone. However she realized that it had only been pure luck that had saved her from a possibly humiliating discovery.
After having withdrawn the penetrating finger from her sex she stayed, head resting against the wall, in the riveting jet of water until she felt confident that her legs wouldn’t buckle beneath her as she walked over to her swimsuit and towel on the shelf.
Drying herself off with the soft towel she could tell that there still was a faint smell of chlorine stuck in her long blond hair, but she figured that there was no way she could get rid of it without some proper shampoo. So that would have to wait until she got home to her small apartment.
Wrapping her big towel around her chest she headed in through the wooden door of the sauna to try and collect her scattered thoughts, before heading home.
The warm air wafted against her as she passed the second door, opening up to the near oven-heat of the sauna. Stepping on to the bottom ledge, she took a seat at the top ledge and leaned her back against the paneled wall, allowing the heat to dominate her senses. A thin sheen of sweat soon formed on her tanned skin, making it glisten in the soft light.
She was about to remove her towel, to let the basking breath of the sauna touch every inch of her naked body, when she was once more interrupted by girlish giggles. It quickly increased in strength as its source stepped into the small air-dock, leading in to the sauna.
And then the inner door opened up to let two Asian girls into the sauna. The giggling stopped self-consciously as they noticed Laurie and sat themselves down on the lower ledge opposite her. Laurie studied them for a moment beneath her half-closed eyelids.
The perky girls seemed to be somewhere in their late teens, but she couldn’t say for sure. Both of them were wrapped in a large pastel towel, lilac and mint, hiding everything from their knees up to their breasts that like most girls’ wasn’t overly large, but Laurie was willing to bet that they were even perkier than the young ladies themselves. Their jet-black hair was cut in a similar style, falling straight down to about shoulder length, longish bangs curling inwards at their eyebrows, framing their soft Asian features perfectly.
She could hear them talking softly in some foreign tongue, but soon found herself ignoring them. Leaning her head back against the wall, she closed her eyes and let the warmth help her slip away from reality for a second.
“Miss…” the soft-spoken voice gently brought her back, and as she opened her eyes she saw that the girl in the mint towel leaned slightly forward towards her. “Miss, you blonde?” the words heavy with some Asian accent, that Laurie couldn’t identify.
“Yes.” She responded uncertainly, curious as to why the girl wanted to know.
“Leal blonde?” Laurie couldn’t help but smile at the girl’s accent as she shook her head, yes.
The girl turned towards her friend and they started talking in their strange, yet intriguing language. Laurie found herself caught up in their discussion even though she didn’t understand a word of it. It wasn’t until they suddenly quieted and turned towards her that she realized what she had been doing.
“Can we see?” the girl asked, who seemed to be the one who did the talking for the pair.
Laurie opened her mouth to ask her what she meant when she noticed the girl’s eyes making a flashing diversion somewhere behind her fluffy white towel. She found herself almost physically retreating at the girl’s suggestion. “No, I’m shaved.”
Why had she mentioned that? She was about to start cursing herself when she was interrupted by the exchange of strange words that had resumed between the girls, with an unbridled enthusiasm. The subject was obviously she and she would have given just about anything to understand what they said about her.
Once they turned back towards her she could see the eagerness glowing in their eyes. “May we see?”
That was the question she had expected and she had pictured herself telling them nicely to find another hobby, but in spite of her intentions she suddenly found herself folding the towel out of the way to reveal her mature body for the younger girls.
Their eyes opened up into dark pools of curiosity that drank in every square inch of her exposed flesh, finally focusing on her naked pubis that glistened from a thin sheen of sweat and Laurie suddenly found herself flushed with embarrassment and excitement. For a moment nothing seemed to stir in the heat of the sauna, a blanket of silence covering everything, then suddenly the quieter of the two girls spoke out into the blue. Laurie didn’t understand a word but the rapture in the girl’s voice spoke for itself. This strange girl was fascinated by her, mesmerized even.
Then suddenly the girl was on her feet and moving towards Laurie, her eyes locked at her naked crotch. Laurie opened her mouth to speak, but as the lilac towel suddenly fell away from the young woman’s golden skin, the words got stuck in her throat.
She had never considered another woman’s naked body truly appealing before, but the way the sweat glistened on this Asian girl’s golden skin took her breath away, leaving her gasping for air through her gaping mouth. Her body seemed so soft, her breasts like ripe peaches, each sporting a budding chocolate brown nipple, her stomach carrying a healthy roundness that ended in the black fuzz of her pubis.
Laurie found herself trying to swallow a dry lump in her throat as the girl’s eyes suddenly penetrated hers, seemingly seeing the desire within her. The girls pink tongue flashed across her lips only moments before she dropped to her knees before Laurie, who suddenly found herself face to face with the other girl, who looked as surprised as she felt.
Avoiding the unspoken question in the girl’s eyes and in her own mind she quickly averted her eyes and found herself looking at the concentrated face of the first girl as she gave Laurie’s sex a thorough examination.
A strange sensation raced through Laurie’s body as she watched the girl study her, a soft prickling ran from her toes, up her leg, torso and then down her arms, tightening up her nipples into almost painfully hard knots on her chest.
Laurie watched as the girl extended her hand towards her belly and naked pubis, without touching her. The girl looked up at her and spoke something that was obviously a question. She was about to ask what she wanted when the other girl beat her to it, “She touch you?”
She wanted to tell them to leave her alone, that she isn’t gay, to take their curiosity and carefree giggling elsewhere, but found her body betraying her innermost needs, begging to be touched, telling her that it wanted to feel the girl’s delicate touch. Before she could say anything she felt the slightest of touches against her naked pubis, leaving her skin tingling in its wake, making her crave more.
Looking down she saw an almost scientific curiosity on the girl’s face as her finger drew a trembling line across Laurie’s smoothly shaved pubis, from one side to the other, making her shudder from the tiny quivering tingle that followed the girl’s touch.
With her mouth mere inches away from Laurie’s sex the girl started to draw petite circles around the glistening sweat-drops on Laurie’s skin, making her shiver with delight. The girl’s warm breath felt almost chilly against her sex in comparison to near oven-heat of the sauna-air. The air that followed the girl’s soothing breath with its own scorching touch, each time she took another anxious lungful of air.
The interchange of cool and hot air blowing against her moistening opening soon had Laurie’s whole labia throbbing with excitement. Her hands slowly reached out to grab hold of the edge of the ledge, grasping on to the smooth wood to hold on for balance and the last of her control, as her back arched and a pleasured gasp escaped her lips.
Laurie’s reaction only seemed to make the girl more curious and a mischievous smile seemed to flash across her lips every time her touch made Laurie shudder and bite her lip to silence the whine that threatened to slip from her throat. As the girl realized that it was her touch that caused such pleasure for Laurie she got bolder and bolder, slowly inching her fingers lower and lower down Laurie’s pubis.
Laurie closed her eyes to the world as the girl’s touch delicately circled just around her hard clitoris, sending almost electric surges along her thighs and up her stomach. She could feel the girl’s breath growing stronger against her crotch as she leaned forward and the slow pulsing in Laurie’s sex grew stronger, centered around her now throbbing clit.
Parting her thighs for the girl’s attention she felt her excitement growing more and more for each passing moment as the girl’s attentive fingertip edged along her now glistening opening. The touch slowly trickled across the sensitive area between her two orifices, before returning upward on the other side of Laurie’s waiting labia.
She wanted so badly for the girl to touch her pussy-lips, to at least ever so gently brush along them, but she found herself unable to utter anything but the pleasured gasps and animalistic sounds of her arousal. All she could do was to spread her legs as far apart as she could, pressing her thighs against the hands at her side and lean her head back against the paneled wall behind her, hoping that the girls would bring her release before long.
She felt the gentle touch of the girl’s fingertip once more edge around the sensitive knob of her clitoris and then slowly trickle along the edge of the wet petal of her sex. The sensation sent incredible trickles of delight in through her pussy and out to the rest of her, making her arched body sway with the waves of pleasures.
As the touch continued her body continued to sway back and forth as if floating on the surf of the ocean. Her chest rising and falling with the waves that floated up and down her body. The prickling touch snaked around her wet opening, picking up speed the nearer it got. Then suddenly, just as the fingertip touched the edge of waiting hole Laurie felt the quickest of flicks against the tip of her clitoris, making her hips lurch forward with a squeal, impaling her pussy on the waiting finger.
Laurie felt herself hanging almost painfully on the edge, the single finger halfway into her squeezing pussy. Another flick or two from the girl’s tongue or a thrust with her finger and the heavens would have tumbled down on Laurie and enveloped her in indescribable pleasures, but instead she felt her body slowly returning to the warm wooden ledge, unsatiated.
Her breathing slowly returned to a more normal pace and the last quakes of her near climax shuddered through her body as she was suddenly disturbed by creaks of movements. Her thighs quickly closed around the girl’s young frame and her eyes shot open, only to see the other girl standing before her. As Laurie watched she let her mint towel slowly unravel and fall to the tiles of the floor.
Her features were slightly less full and rounded than those of her friend as she had obviously started to develop after her. A pair of hard nipples crowned her cone-shaped breasts, an evident telltale sign of her interest in Laurie’s and her friend’s action. Her concentrated face suddenly splitting into a sunny smile. “You like?”
“Yeessss!” her answer rushing from her dry mouth just as the other girl’s tender treatment resumed, her tongue suddenly tickling the wet lips of her sex and her finger slowly inching deeper into Laurie’s wanton pussy.
“You like Kim?” the girl asked, stepping up to them and gently stroked the first girl’s hair. Looking down Laurie saw the girl Kim, looking back at her with a mischievous grin, sticking out her pink tongue to give her clit a flick just as she answered, “yeEESSss!”
She could feel Kim’s finger moving back and forth, slowly working its way into her depths and she slowly spread her thighs for her again, before the curious eyes of her friend. Kim’s lips gently brushed against the available insides of her thighs, sending wonderful charges to the center of her being, once more elevating Laurie’s excitement towards her much needed release.
As her unbridled lust started to take over her body Laurie made no attempt to restrain herself, but instead let herself fully enjoy Kim tender treatment. She was a bit surprised as the other girl cupped her chin and lifted her face to hers, suddenly only inches away. Her soft lips brushed against Laurie’s, gently tasting her mouth, letting her tongue snake along Laurie’s upper lip.
Pulling back just a fraction from Laurie’s lips the girl asked, “Want more?” Not waiting for an answer she pushed forward again and locked her lips against Laurie’s, letting her tongue follow the narrow gap between Laurie’s lips, gently forcing it wider to allow the kiss to deepen. Her hand gently left Laurie’s chin to caress its way down the side of her neck and softly cup her ample breast.
The girl let her thumb brush across Laurie’s erect nipple as she eased her mouth away from her lips, “Want Lee?” she asked, her thumbnail flicking softly across the hard knob. “Yeess.” Laurie’s words barely audible as the girl’s mouth once more covered hers, her tongue diving in to play at the tip of Laurie’s.
Letting go of the bench Laurie quickly grabbed hold of Lee’s head, crushing her lips against her own as she thrust her tongue into Lee’s mouth, letting the slippery wet surface slide along Lee’s, as she felt herself losing control of her own body.
Lee cradling her breasts in her soft tantalizing hands, her mouth stealing her breath away and Kim’s finger slowly being drawn from her tender sex, her soft kisses grazing the inside of her thighs and the hairless skin of her pubis. The very tip of Kim’s tongue licking the salty sweat and cum from her skin, her wet fingertips ever so gently caress along the tender folds of her pussy, making her whole crotch tingle.
Lee suddenly broke the passionate kiss with her fingers squeezing Laurie’s breasts together and her tongue quickly began to tentatively caress the soft skin of Laurie’s breasts. The tip of her tongue slowly circling closer and closer to the engorged nipple, then suddenly closing her soft lips around the hard nipple and gently brushing the silky smooth tongue across the tip of the knob. Laurie felt a shudder of pleasure surge through her chest as the girl’s tongue swept across the hypersensitive nipple.
Laurie noticed their intensity slowly increasing, Lee focusing more and more on the erect centers of her breasts and Kim’s tender caresses gently moving in, shifting between thrusting a stiff finger in her depths and then applying her wetness around the throbbing clit. Under their combined effort Laurie felt the excitement slowly growing in her body, the warm fuzzy feeling slowly being replaced by the electrifying sensation of carnal lust.
Lee’s fingers squeezing at her breasts, her lips sucking onto her nipples, gently crushing them between her hungry jaws and Kim’s fingers at her sex, holding her open as her tongue wickedly teased her delicate senses and occasionally plunging a wriggling finger into her core. As moans started spilling from Laurie’s lips she was already too far gone to care.
She felt Kim starting to twist her thrusting finger into Laurie’s now sopping wet pussy, her tongue intently focusing on Laurie’s sensitive clit and Lee’s teeth scraping at her soft tit-flesh, occasionally nipping at her sensitive buds. Stimulated by the two girls Laurie’s mind suddenly crashed through the glass barrier and her world exploded in shards of ecstasy, ripping her conscious mind into tiny bits, leaving her a shaking sobbing wreck.
She could hear herself screaming out her lust, suddenly once more dampened by Lee’s smothering mouth, stealing away the sounds of her unprecedented orgasm, her finger tugging and tweaking at her nipples. She felt herself thrashing and turning under the girls administration and then slowly slipping away from reality, falling into the welcoming darkness of unconsciousness…
When she came to the girls were just disappearing out from the Sauna, once again talking softly in the foreign language that Laurie still hadn’t identified and never would. As the door closed behind the young girls she let her hand glide across her sweat-slick belly and pubis to cup her naked sex, cradling the lingering sensation of the aftershocks, trying desperately to hold on to them. Penetrating herself with two fingers to relive the satisfaction the two girls had given her. A brilliant smile flashed across her lips as she suddenly realized that this was exactly the kind of fulfilling experience she had needed all along…
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