Bisexuality is NOT a Label it is a Lifestyle Choice!
During the spring of 2008, I cannot recall (nor I want to recall) the number of times I’ve heard on television: “Is the United States ready for a woman or black person to be President?”
Just think about that stupid question for a second…
Are they trying to tell me that the United States is ONLY ready for a WHITE man to be president?
Are we sooo one-track-minded (not to call us stupid) to think that the only a white male can lead this country?
I don’t get this.
Why does it matter?
That is my question to the universe…
If the best candidate is a woman or black person, then who cares?
It should not matter.
I can understand that people have different political beliefs and inclinations
I favor the Democrat and Libertarian ideology over the Conservative/ Republic ideology.
I voted first for Hillary on the primary elections and then for Obama on the presidential election…NOT because they were a female or a black person but because their political message resonated more with me than the message from John McCain, PERIOD!
So, I still don’t get it…
What does being a black person or a woman has to do with anything?
In my eyes, narrow minded idiots are simply throwing arbitrary shit just to make their life a little simpler. It is easier to say: “She’s a democrat, that’s why she prefers the woman or the black man over the white man”
BULLSHIT! I do not prefer the black man over the white man!
Their political message was completely different and it so happens that the message from the “black man” resonated more with me!
If Obama would be Asian, Hispanic, Muslim or Jewish, Gay or Straight, I could not care less. I voted for him because of what he stands for… not because I was against “The White Man”
On regards to sexuality – Am I gay, straight or bisexual? Ummmm, neither.
I am a hedonist!
That’s all.
I love experiencing pleasure and joy is my religion!
That is who I am…
I have a child.
I am married woman.
I enjoy having sex with men and women.
Does that make me bisexual?
Not at all.
I find men attractive.
I have intimate feelings for my husband.
Does that make me straight?
Again, nope.
So – what am I?
I recommend you to download the Book All Women Are Bisexual. |
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