Bisexual Woman’s Erotic Story – Travelling Hands
I just read another great post from bisexual woman’s stories that is worth sharing… Enjoy reading!
I drove hard and fast in my car all day to reach your doorstep. My heart pounded harder on my ribcage then my fist on the door. You answered with a slow opening of your door. Your face took on a look of astonished surprise to see me there, even though you were the one who pleaded over the phone your desire to see me urgently even though the distance between us was daunting and discouraging.
I felt like I ran the whole way and your arms reached out and pulled me quickly inside. We both did not want to stop holding one another. You led me to the livingroom where you had me sit as you fetched me a glass of water. Our eyes kept together like ghostly hands. I made myslef comfortable on the couch, my eyes nearly drifted shut from my weary drive when you came back and next to me as you gave the chilled glass of water to me and I drank it down as soon as I had it to my lips.
I was shakingly nervous and it showed as a small stream of water escaped my mouth. Your hands by then were touching my legs, you leaned over and lustfully kissed and licked my neck where the watery trail fell. Putting the glass down I let out a small moan. as I leaned back pulling you closer onto me to the point that we were almost lying down on the couch. Your lips sped to mine and we took to each other passionately. Continue reading here.
A recent survey study shows women are more fluid in their sexuality than men, why is that?

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