8 Things You Should NEVER Say to a Bisexual Woman
NEVER Say these things to a Bisexual Woman. “Everyone thinks thinks they are sex-crazed nymphomaniacs. It’s incredibly tiring”
It’s tricky being bisexual.
For one thing, you have to convince people that bisexuals, and therefore you, exist. Also, everyone thinks we are sex-crazed nymphomaniacs. It’s incredibly tiring.
We have compiled this list for all you non-bisexuals out there so you are able to converse with a bisexual woman without them wanting to disappear into the floor or throw something at you. Just never say these things:
1. “You must have LOADS of sex, right?!”
Bisexual women are overtly sexualized. Everyone thinks that it’s just constant orgies and red lace underwear – partly because of the coverage bisexual women receive in the media.
Also, just because all genders are on offer does not mean that bisexual people have double the sex—it varies. Just as some straight people pull every time they go out and others prefer a more chaste lifestyle, so do bisexuals.
On a darker note, this overt sexualisation of bisexual women could contribute to the huge amount of sexual harassment and abuse they face compared to straight women. Just saying.
2. “Ah, you’re dating a man! So, are you straight now?”
When a bi person dates someone, everyone assumes they’ve ‘picked a side’. It’s not a football match of the genders, guys. Just because someone is dating a man,
it doesn’t mean that their ability to fancy women is impaired, nor does it mean they’ve ‘picked a side’. Bisexuality isn’t limbo, it’s a legitimate sexuality.
Even celebrities face this ignorance – actress Anna Paquin has faced questions about her sexuality after revealing she is both bisexual and married to a man. Continue reading here.
15 Celebrities You Didn’t Know Were BISEXUAL

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