BISEXUAL – Sexuality the Documentary I like men and women says Michael Szymanski and Clare Waterson. Get an inside look to two very different bisexuals. Clare is also involved a type of polyamory or a triad. She is seeing two men who are also in a relationship with one another. This documentary is for mature audiences and contains nudity. Visit the link to buy the DVD to see the unedited, full length version.

… the sex thing although that is a part of it but also being able to fall in love with a person and being intimate and that I find in both men and women. In other words, I am in tune with my soul being asexual and I embrace and balance both my masculine and feminine sides no matter if I am with a man or a woman if that makes any sense. You say you cant imagine being attracted to both sexes, well maybe that is similar to straight people not understanding homosexuality? Cheers!
Hey there, I am a bisexual guy and have had a number of both male and female sex partners. Many girlfriends but not so many boyfriends but I am fully open to the idea of both. Yes I am both sexually and romantically attracted to men and women, what else can I say other than yes it has been difficult to fully come to terms with it but bisexual ; definately! To me it is the sexy body thing but also I am attracted to smarts, witty humor, elegance, open mindedness etc so its not just …
Are there any male bisexuals out there who are really aroused by both sexes? Like you regularly get hard-ons for guys and girls, not just that you sometimes fantasize or think about one sex but are really mostly attracted to the other one. I am gay, and I have never been able to talk to someone who is truly bisexual; I just can’t imagine being genuinely attracted to both sexes. Is there anyone out there who can confirm this for me? And maybe describe what it is like? Not to be ignorant lol.
No such thing as bisexuality…
And what makes your opinion and opinion is that it’s wrong. I’m a bi guy. I’ve only been in relationships with women. I came close to being with a guy, but he didn’t like the fact that I liked women as well. That’s beside the point however. It’s pretty half and half for me, depending on the situation. Some days, I fantasize about women, some days it’s men, other days, it’s both. 🙂
And the bi guy in the clip is really feminine. But he’s a minority, not only for bisexuals, but gays 2
THANK YOU. I was like…omg that look does not result from being bi! Good Lord. haha
You can do better than that! Seaxual energy is Divine everyone should cultivate it but we all are sick with desire of this and that…Male, Female, both or some even animals It’s not about genders or straight bi gay lesbian zoophilia etc… It’s about Divine energy and use it for your spiritual life! "Happiness"
my humble opinion is that bisexuality in men doesn’t exist. Its just gay dudes that also go with women now and then.
Bisexuality exists only in women, and 95% are bisexual.
most of the bisexuals are ugly like me
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yeah i wanna point out not all people who r bi look like that
LOL i agree
These people are gross looking; dirty hippies.
bisexual people are those people whose knows in themselves that they are homo…they were just some block to their admission as a my own opinion..k
hmmm, i typed in my french teachers name and it came up with this.
all these videos are very interesting