Best Ass in the Netherlands
I am am crazy about lingerie, how ever all women (including myself) know that fine lingerie is not used on a daily basis. We have our “day to day panties” and those also need to be sexy but the main difference between that and delicate lingerie is the price.
I am a fan of sloggi, In the Netherlands Sloggi is a really good brand of day to day lingerie, not well know areound the world but very popular in Europe. I also Like Palmers and Hunkenmoller. Both also nice lingerie.
In the USA they have Victoria Secret and that is also fine and not so expensive lingerie.
Anyway, my point here is to show you the beautiful billboards Sloggi has for their lingerie and my favorite a video from an event they ran a few years ago called: “The Best Ass in the Netherlands” I am sure you will enjoy this post:
Watch the video first and then Enjoy the Billboards:
Billboard #1
Billboard #2
Billboard #3
Billboard #4
So what do you think?
Really cute and a great Idea from Sloggi to do a “Best ass in the Netherlands” contest ha?
You see I really love my country. I live in Amsterdam as you know and Amsterdam is famous for their tolerance and their sexual openess.
I trully belive that if you like to see a place where all LGBT world lives fully integrated in society you need to come to Amsterdam!
Mistress X

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